
B2B Application
Project Type
B2B Application
Project Year

• Java
• Spring Boot
• ElasticSearch


• AWS (EC2, Route 53)
• Bitbucket
• Jenkins


• JavaScript (ES6)
• React

A live B2B web app used for real-time data analysis

Over the course of this project, I worked in a team using an AGILE methodology. Using this methodology I worked on all 3 segments as listed above however, my main priority was the visuals (front-end) of the application.

This included work on parsing data so that it was in an understandable format for the front-end charting libraries and creating animated and colourful graphs and charts to best display the data in an attractive way.

If you would like to learn more about what I did during this time feel free to send me a message using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

By clicking the button below you will be able to see the official website which describes the product.

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