Mirati Krazati

3D/VR Experience
Krazati molecule
Precision Effect
Project Type
3D/VR Experience
Project Year

• Firebase
• Veeva


• JavaScript (ES6)
• Three.js


Mirati is developing adagrasib to target the KRASG12C mutation and maximise inhibition by irreversibly locking the mutant protein in its inactive state.

The purpose of this project was to provide an interactive experience to learn about the KRASG12C inhibitor.

As the sole developer, my role was to fully develop the 3D interactive experience for tablet devices by using WebGL and Three.js. Due to tablet devices being the priority, touch controls needed to be the priority for this project.

The app was deployed on the Veeva system and now allows doctors to deliver presentations to their patients and customers through their tablet devices to learn more about the inhibitor molecule in a portable manner without an internet connection.

Click the button below to see the experience for yourself. Please note that mobile devices will not be suited.


• Rotatable and draggable KRAS G12C molecule
• Insertable inhibitor
• Interactive chapter controls

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Email: ross.clelland@yahoo.com
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