
Web3 Application
Project Type
Web3 Application
Project Year

• Express.js
• MongoDB
• Node.js


• Solidity
• Ethereum
• Polygon


• AWS (EC2, Route 53)
• Bitbucket
• Nginx


• JavaScript (ES6)
• React
• Three.js

Experience Art In The Metaverse

Spayce is a place in the metaverse for artists & collectors to customise, curate, and showcase their digital art.

As a collaboration project with skilled people involved in the Web3 world, Spayce is a project designed not just to be a place to showcase your NFTs but instead to provide a framework and ecosystem that allows users to elevate the value of their NFT assets and give artists a platform to make their digital art more visible than ever.

As the sole developer, this project was extremely challenging for many reasons. The reason is that Spayce isn't just a singular app. It's 3 packaged in 1. Firstly we have the 3D experience where you can view and edit galleries (and play mazes), secondly, we have a dapp marketplace where users can buy NFTs with their connected wallet directly from the site, and thirdly we have a backend application which provides live stats on NFT sales, trending user activity and a Web3 login system using your Metamask wallet.

This project has really put my development skills to the next level as it was able to fill in gaps in my knowledge relating to the development lifecycle of an app from conception to deployment where I was involved in each stage.

*to see a demo of the alpha version of the app please message me*


• Editable 3D galleries where you can place your NFTs as frames or 3D objects
• View other user's 3D galleries and discover their NFTs
• An NFT marketplace to buy Spayce branded NFTs with your Metamask wallet
• Web3 login and profile functionality using blockchain wallet addresses
• Live store statistics and displays to show the status of the current monthly drop
• A community area with stats showing the trending and most viewed spaces
• A profile editor where you can change your username, custom URL pfp, etc.
• Connect a whitelisted wallet to be able to mint an NFT from the NOVA collection
• Connect a wallet to be able to play mazes to earn points within the community

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